Jak, S., & Cheung, M. W.-L. (in press). A cautionary note on using univariate methods for meta-analytic structural equation modeling. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.
Roorda, D. L. & Jak, S. (in press). Gender match in secondary education: The role of student gender and teacher gender in student-teacher relationships. Journal of School Psychology.
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Jansen, D., Elffers, L., Jak, S., & Volman, M. L. L. (2024). Is a more selective exit exam related to shadow education use? An analysis of two cohorts of final-year secondary school students in the Netherlands. Oxford Review of Education. Article
Kolbe, L., Molenaar, D., Jak, S., & Jorgensen, T. D. (2024). Assessing measurement invariance with moderated nonlinear factor analysis using the R package OpenMx. Psychological Methods, 29(2), 388 406. Article
Jak, S., Jorgensen, T.D., ten Hove, D. & Nevicka, B. (2023). Modeling cluster-level constructs measured by individual responses: Configuring a shared approach. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 6, 1-18. Article Data and code
Potters, O.T., van Schijndel, T.J., Jak, S., & Voogt, J.M. (2023). Two decades of research on children's creativity development during primary education in relation to task characteristics. Educational Research Review, 100532. Article Data and code
Jansen, D., Elffers, L. & Jak, S. (2021). A cross-national exploration of shadow education use by high and low SES families. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 32(3), 653-674. Article
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Leitgob, H., Seddig, D., Asparouhov, T., Behr, D., Davidov, E., De Roover, K., Jak, S., Meitinger, K., Menold, N., Muthen, B., Rudnev, M., Schmidt, P. & van de Schoot, R. (2022). Measurement invariance in the social sciences: Historical development, methodological challenges, state of the art, and future perspectives. Social Science Research, 102805. Article
van Alphen, T., Jak, S., Jansen in de Wal, J., Schuitema, J. & Peetsma, T.D. (2022). Determining reliability of daily measures: An illustration with data on teacher stress. Applied Measurement in Education. Article Postprint, data and script
Stolwijk, I.J., Jak, S., Eichelsheim, V.I., & Hoeve, M. (2022). Dealing with Dependent Effect Sizes in MASEM: A comparison of different approaches using empirical data. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie : Journal of Psychology. Article Postprint, data and script
Kolbe, L., Oort, F.J. & Jak, S. (2021). Bivariate distributions underlying responses to ordinal variables. Psych, 3(4), 562-578. Article
Jak, S., Li, H., Kolbe, L., de Jonge, H., & Cheung, M.W.-L. (2021). Meta-analytic structural equation modeling made easy: A tutorial and web application for one-stage MASEM. Research Synthesis Methods, 12, 590-606. Article webMASEM app Data and scripts
Jak, S., Jorgensen, T.D., & Rosseel, Y. (2021). Evaluating cluster-level factor models with lavaan and Mplus. Psych, 3(2), 134-152. Article Data and scripts Also see the comment of Asparahouv and Muthen on this article.
Thijssen, L., van Tubergen, F., Coenders, M., Hellpap, R., & Jak, S. (2021). Discrimination of black and muslim minority groups in western societies: Evidence from a meta-analysis of field experiments. International Migration Review. Online first. Article
Jak, S., Jorgensen, T.D., Verdam, M.G.E., Oort, F.J. & Elffers, L. (2020). Analytical power calculations for structural equation modeling: A tutorial and shiny app. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 1385-1406. Link power4SEM app
Jak, S. & Cheung, M.W.-L. (2020) Meta-analytic structural equation modeling with moderating effects on SEM parameters. Psychological Methods, 25(4), 430-455. Link Link
Supplementary materials
Jorgensen, T. D., & Jak, S. (2020). Review of Gana & Broc's Structural Equation Modeling with lavaan. Psychometrika. Link
Jak, S. & Cheung, M.W.-L. (2020) A commentary on Lv and Maeda (2019). Structural Equation Modeling, 27, 438-441. Link
de Jonge, H., Jak, S., & Kan, K.J. (2020). Dealing with artficially dichotomized variables in meta-analytic structural equation modeling. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 228, 25-35.
Jansen, R. S., Van Leeuwen, A., Janssen, J., Jak, S. & Kester, L. (2019). Self-regulated learning partially mediates the effect of self-regulated learning interventions on achievement in higher education: a meta-Analysis. Educational Research Review. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2019.100292
Jak, S. (2019). Cross-level invariance in multilevel factor models. Structural Equation Modeling, 26, 607-622. Link
Melnyk, V., van Herpen, E., Jak, S. & van Trijp, H. (2019). The mechanisms of social norms influence on consumer decision making. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 227, 4-17.
Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P.H.O., Jak, S., & Overbeek, G.J. (2019). Parenting in times of war: A meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis of war-exposure, parenting, and child adjustment. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
Jak, S. & Cheung, M.W.-L. (2018). Accounting for missing correlation coefficients in fixed-effects meta-analytic structural equation modeling. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 53(1), 1-14. Link
Jak, S. & Cheung, M.W.-L. (2018). Testing moderator hypotheses in meta-analytic structural equation modeling using subgroup analysis. Behavior Research Methods, 50(4), 1359-1373. Link
Jak, S. & Jorgensen, T.D. (2017). Relating measurement invariance, cross-level invariance, and multilevel reliability. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1640.
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